Terms and conditions of contracting - Criptan Card

Hiring of the Criptan Card
The general and specific conditions detailed below regulate the relationship between PECUNIA CARDS EDE, S.L.U. (hereinafter, "PECUNPAY"), with registered office at C/ Guzmán El Bueno, nº 133, Edificio América, Bajo B, 28003 – Madrid, and the cardholder (hereinafter, "CARDHOLDER"), regarding the financial services described therein.

General Contracting Conditions
The parties agree that the clauses contained in this contract should be considered as general contracting conditions, for the purposes set out in Law 7/1998, of April 13, on General Contracting Conditions. PECUNPAY, as the proponent, has expressly and previously informed the CARDHOLDER, as the adherent, of the existence of the general conditions listed in this document. The CARDHOLDER states that they are aware of the conditions, understand them, and, consequently, accept their incorporation into the contract. The CARDHOLDER states that they are acting on their own behalf and right and undertake to provide PECUNPAY with the documentation, photographs, and information that it may reasonably request to comply with its regulatory obligations. Once the CARDHOLDER has completed the above and passed our internal checks, the card will be issued.

Duration and Termination of the Contract
This contract shall have an indefinite duration, without prejudice to the expiration date stated on the issued cards, or on any other means of payment provided by PECUNPAY to the CARDHOLDER. The relationship shall commence on the day PECUNPAY confirms that their service has been approved. Except in cases where the CARDHOLDER has contracted multiple products with PECUNPAY for which it is necessary to maintain an open payment account or in cases determined by regulation, the CARDHOLDER may terminate the contract at any time by notifying PECUNPAY in writing, without the need for any prior notice. In this case, PECUNPAY shall comply with the contract termination order within 24 hours of receiving the CARDHOLDER's request. PECUNPAY shall reimburse the CARDHOLDER the remaining balance, once applicable commissions and expenses up to the termination date have been deducted. Contract termination shall be free of charge for the CARDHOLDER, unless the contract has been in force for less than six months. PECUNPAY may terminate this Contract by notifying the CARDHOLDER at least sixty natural days in advance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, PECUNPAY may terminate the contract without prior notice if objectively justified reasons related to the security of the payment instrument, suspicion of unauthorized or fraudulent use thereof, are present. For the purposes of this contract:

1. Termination. The ineffectiveness of this contract. As a consequence of the breach by one of the parties, the other party has the right to request the contract be terminated, with damages being compensated.
2. Withdrawal. The right of one of the parties to terminate the contract entered into, without the need to justify the decision.

Contract Withdrawal
he CARDHOLDER shall have a period of 14 natural days to withdraw from the contract, without indicating reasons and without any penalty. The period to exercise the right of withdrawal shall begin from the day the contract is concluded. However, if the consumer has not received the contractual terms and information, the period to exercise the right of withdrawal shall begin on the day they receive said information. The CARDHOLDER exercising the right of withdrawal shall notify the provider according to the terms provided in the contract, before the corresponding deadline, through a procedure that allows for proof of notification in any legally accepted manner. The notification shall be considered made within the deadline if it is made on paper or on another durable medium, available and accessible to the recipient, and is sent before the deadline expires.

Contract Suspension
PECUNPAY may temporarily suspend the services provided, as well as any means of payment associated with them, due to non-payment by the CARDHOLDER, for security reasons, lack of requested documentation, or suspicion of unauthorized or fraudulent practices by the CARDHOLDER. When the reasons for the suspension disappear, PECUNPAY will proceed to reactivate the service or means of payment.

Modification of the Contract
PECUNPAY may modify the conditions established in this contract. The modifications will be published on the PECUNPAY website and, additionally, Users will be informed via email to their corresponding email address. However, they will not be applicable until sixty natural days have elapsed from the sending of the corresponding email. If the new conditions result in a benefit for the CARDHOLDER, PECUNPAY may foresee their automatic application after their publication on the corporate website. If the CARDHOLDER, after learning about the new conditions, rejects them, they may terminate the contract by notifying PECUNPAY as provided in section 1.7 of these general conditions. Therefore, the termination must be made prior to the application of the new conditions so that they do not apply to them. It will be considered that the CARDHOLDER has accepted the modification of the conditions in question if they do not communicate their non-acceptance to PECUNPAY prior to the proposed effective date.

Financial Conditions: Commissions and Fees
The commissions and fees specified in the Specific Conditions applicable to each of the different products and services contracted shall apply. These commissions and fees for each of the different products and services shall be explicitly informed in the tariff brochure related to each product and service that is in force at any given time.

Communications, notifications, and documentation that must be made under this Contract shall be addressed to the CARDHOLDER at the address and/or email provided by them for this purpose. Communications to PECUNPAY that the CARDHOLDER must make shall be sent by email to the Customer Service address:

The CARDHOLDER undertakes to notify PECUNPAY of changes of address, email address, and contact telephone number(s) through the means provided by PECUNPAY for this purpose, or by updating them, and shall bear any loss resulting from the sending of invalid, incorrect, or inaccurate information.

Customer Service
CARDHOLDERS may file a complaint or claim with PECUNPAY's Customer Service. The written complaint shall be submitted via email to the following address:

All in accordance with the provisions of PECUNPAY's Customer Ombudsman Regulation, which is available to CARDHOLDERS on the corporate website.

Recording of Communications
The CARDHOLDER authorizes PECUNPAY to record, through magnetic, computer, electronic means, or other methods, all data, inquiries, circumstances of contracts, and operations carried out through any of the non-face-to-face services. The CARDHOLDER may request a copy of these recordings from PECUNPAY. All in accordance with the provisions of PECUNPAY's Customer Ombudsman Regulation, which is available to CARDHOLDERS on the corporate website.

Processing of Personal Data
In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, we inform you that your personal data will be included in the processing activities of PECUNIA CARDS EDE S.L. (PECUNPAY), for the purpose of managing the service contracted by the CARDHOLDER, fulfilling the contractual relationship, examining and verifying personal data, developing and managing loyalty programs, notifying any incidents that may arise during the contractual relationship, communicating possible modifications to the contract terms, and, in general, those affecting the use of the card, as well as sending commercial information that may be of interest, being legitimized for this based on contract execution, compliance with legal obligations, and the legitimate interest of the parties. Your data will be kept during the execution of this contract and, subsequently, until the expiration of any legal responsibilities. Your data may be transferred to third parties, such as entities linked to the financial sector and entities processing bank cards, for the purpose of managing the operation of our terminals, as well as for managing secure customer authentication operations. Similarly, your data may be accessed by third-party service providers of PECUNPAY, with whom PECUNPAY has entered into the relevant personal data processing agreement, ensuring lawful and secure processing thereof, such as consulting firms, personal data verification entities, external technological service providers, and similar. In the event that you wish to benefit from offers and promotions accessible through the use of our services, your data may be transferred to the entity with which PECUNPAY formalizes the agreement for offering said offer and/or specific service you wish to benefit from. This transfer will be made so that you can enjoy said offer and/or service. PECUNPAY may verify the information provided by the CARDHOLDER, assess their operations, and check their solvency. For this purpose, it is authorized to collect, communicate, request, and exchange information about the status of their accounts with other solvency files or public records, with financial entities, credit assessment and fraud prevention companies, as well as with the Bank of Spain. PECUNPAY may consult them periodically. These actions are necessary for PECUNPAY to conduct the relevant inquiries to fulfill its obligation of fraud analysis, prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. The CARDHOLDER will be responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of all personal data provided to PECUNPAY. The CARDHOLDER may exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, limitation, and portability, by sending a written request to the Data Protection Officer of PECUNPAY, by postal mail to Calle Guzmán el Bueno nº 133, Edificio América, Bajo B, 28003, Madrid; or by email to
datos@pecuniacards.es. If you believe that your rights have not been properly addressed, the CARDHOLDER has the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Prevention of money laundering and terrorism financiar
The CARDHOLDER is informed of the legal obligations imposed on PECUNPAY regarding the prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing, which include the identification of the CARDHOLDER and the beneficial ownership, shareholding or control structure in case the CARDHOLDER is a legal entity, economic, professional or business activities, origin of funds, as well as the requirement to apply the due diligence measures established at all times by the current legislation, including those related to the knowledge and continuous monitoring of the business relationship. Consequently, the CARDHOLDER must provide, in a timely manner, all the information and documentation that may be requested by PECUNPAY for compliance with the aforementioned obligations. In the event that the CARDHOLDER is a natural person, and unless otherwise stated, the CARDHOLDER expressly declares that they are acting towards PECUNPAY in their own name and right, being recognized, for all purposes, as the REAL CARDHOLDER of their relationship with PECUNPAY. For these purposes, additionally, the CARDHOLDER expressly agrees to assume the following obligations, authorizations, and measures derived from the application of anti-money laundering and terrorism financing regulations:

a) The CARDHOLDER authorizes PECUNPAY to request information from any entity - whether public or private - about the identity or activity carried out by the CARDHOLDER;
b) The CARDHOLDER must promptly notify PECUNPAY of any changes that occur in their identification, in the identification of beneficial ownership, shareholding or control structure, as well as in the economic, professional or business activities carried out;
c) The CARDHOLDER accepts that, in the event of failure to properly respond to requests made by PECUNPAY for compliance with the obligations established in anti-money laundering and terrorism financing regulations, or if risks related to the aforementioned regulations are identified, PECUNPAY may block the operation of the card(s) and terminate the contractual relationship between the parties.

Particular contractual conditions
The PECUNPAY card, in its various modalities (hereinafter referred to as the "card"), is a prepaid MASTERCARD or VISA card, which allows the CARDHOLDER to obtain goods and professional services at establishments that accept MASTERCARD or VISA cards and have a Point of Sale (POS) terminal. Likewise, this card allows the CARDHOLDER to make purchases online, provided that the website accessed accepts this means of payment, in which case, it will be subject to the conditions established therein. The card balance will not accrue any interest or any other type of remuneration in favor of the CARDHOLDER.

Ownership of the card
PECUNPAY owns the cards it issues on a personal basis. The CARDHOLDER shall be a natural or legal person, whose identity must be stated on the card itself, except if the product contracted is a gift, instant, or virtual card.

Card Issuance
The CARDHOLDER authorizes PECUNPAY to issue a financial card linked to a payment account assigned to the CARDHOLDER, except if the contracted product is a gift, instant, or virtual card. The payment account is associated with the card and other electronic media, so that all operations carried out through such means will be reflected in the account. If the CARDHOLDER requests additional cards, each card will be associated with a new payment account. The CARDHOLDER's request for one or more additional cards implies their consent to the charges that PECUNPAY makes to their payment account as a result of transactions and withdrawals made with such additional cards.

Validity of the cards
The card will have limited validity until the date stated on it. After completing the form and making the payment, and once our internal checks have been passed within an estimated period of 10 business days, the user will receive the card. In the case of card renewal, upon its expiry date, a new card will be sent to the customer, thirty calendar days before said date, applying, in each case, the renewal conditions applicable in its particular conditions. The renewed card will be issued with a new card number, which will maintain the same relationship with the original payment account and, therefore, will maintain its conditions of use and available balance in said account. Notwithstanding the foregoing, PECUNPAY reserves the right to cancel or modify the validity date of the cards during their validity period, as well as not to proceed with their renewal upon expiry, with the CARDHOLDER losing all rights regarding their use.

The use of the card shall be in accordance with the usage instructions established by PECUNPAY in this contract and on its own website, without prejudice to PECUNPAY's authority to modify such usage instructions. Changes will be notified to the CARDHOLDER and published on the corresponding product website. They will apply sixty calendar days after their publication, unless expressly indicated otherwise. Each operation will be recorded by PECUNPAY, and the CARDHOLDER will be able to access such information through the corresponding product website (customer area section), except if the contracted product is a gift, instant, or virtual card, in which case the available balance of the card will be provided by the means established by PECUNPAY. The validity of the transaction made shall be presumed based on the invoice, POS receipt, electronic registration and/or authorization terminals, reading of its magnetic stripe or electronic chip, or any other identification means established in the card usage conditions, even if the presentation of their national identity document, Personal Identification Number, or signature is not required. The same consequences shall apply in the case of non-face-to-face sales (Internet). The effective use of the card shall be presumed by the mere recording of the transaction in PECUNPAY's computer files. Operations carried out by the CARDHOLDER shall be considered authorized when they have given consent through any of the channels established for the use of the payment methods provided in these general and specific conditions.

Card Limits
For the use of the card by the CARDHOLDER, they may establish a limit on the amount, beyond which no disposal can be made without their express authorization. Likewise, the CARDHOLDER may establish limits on the use of their card, either for each transaction or for determined periods (days, weeks, months, years...). The total maximum amount of operations that can be carried out at any given time will be determined by the amount available in the account, as well as by the cash withdrawal limits established at ATMs, transaction limits at merchants, and likewise, withdrawals and cash deposits through the private network will be limited. PECUNPAY reserves the right to block the use of a payment instrument for objectively justified reasons related to the security of the payment instrument or suspicion of unauthorized or fraudulent use thereof.

Payment Orders
The CARDHOLDER expressly authorizes PECUNPAY to record in the payment account the operations carried out by the CARDHOLDER when they have consented to them. It shall be understood that the CARDHOLDER has consented to the operation when it has been carried out through any of the channels provided by PECUNPAY, including the use of their card, card number, or PIN, without limitation. The originator may withdraw consent at any time prior to the date of irrevocability referred to in Articles 36 and 52 of Royal Decree-Law 19/2018, of November 23, on payment services and other urgent financial measures. However, if the CARDHOLDER does not hold the status of consumer or microenterprise as specified in Royal Decree-Law 19/2018, of November 23, consent cannot be withdrawn. Likewise, the CARDHOLDERS accept that the payment account serves as an accounting support for carrying out operations using any means of payment associated with it. All debits to the account that are duly authorized by the CARDHOLDERS thereof or are payable by any of them shall be accepted as debits to the account. When a payment order is not executed or is defectively executed, PECUNPAY shall act in accordance with the provisions of Article 60 of Royal Decree-Law 19/2018, of November 23.

The CARDHOLDER must pay, in advance, the amount sufficient to cover the recharged amount. Cards can be recharged as many times as desired up to the limit assigned by the CARDHOLDER, except if the contracted product is a gift, instant, or virtual card, where only a single recharge may be made. The CARDHOLDER may reload the card through the following channels:

1. Within the corresponding product website, in the "Customer Area" section, by debiting a financial card.
2. By bank transfer.
3. In cash, at the recharge points enabled in PECUNPAY.
4. Through any other procedure that may be established by PECUNPAY.

Cash withdrawal
The withdrawal of cash from the account will involve, on the one hand, the prior transformation of electronic money from the account into cash and, on the other hand, the relevant entry in the CARDHOLDER's payment account. The payment account cannot show a negative balance resulting from the operations carried out by the CARDHOLDER, so they will be required to have a sufficient balance for each requested operation. If for any reason (including, but not limited to, any technical error attributable to PECUNPAY or any of its external providers), the CARDHOLDER has a negative balance in their payment account, they agree to immediately reload the required amount to correct the negative balance. Such amounts become due without the need for prior notification. If they fail to do so:

1. PECUNPAY may exercise its right of set-off, which shall involve the disposal of balances in the accounts or any other type of asset in the name of the CARDHOLDER, whether arising from this contract or any other legal relationship between the parties.
2. PECUNPAY may initiate a chargeback procedure for any specific transaction that leads to your payment account having a negative balance.
3. PECUNPAY may take debt collection measures, including but not limited to, sending to a debt collection agency or lawyers, or filing a claim before a court. PECUNPAY reserves the right to charge the CARDHOLDER for any reasonable expenses incurred in connection with any debt collection or enforcement efforts.If PECUNPAY requests that you complete a Top-up to correct a negative balance and the CARDHOLDER fails to do so within 7 business days, they authorize initiating a payment transaction for the amount of the negative balance (or the equivalent in another currency) from one of their stored Cards or Bank Accounts.

Balance Inquiry
The CARDHOLDER may check the available balance of the card on the corresponding website/App for each product, in the "customer area" section, as well as through appropriate means when available, except if the contracted product is a gift, instant, or virtual card, in which case it is provided by the means that PECUNPAY makes available to the client at any given time. No merchant or establishment may inform you about the balance of your card.

Identity Verification
The CARDHOLDER agrees to cooperate with all requests made by PECUNPAY or any of its external service providers on its behalf regarding their Account, to identify or authenticate their identity or validate their sources of funding or transactions. This may include, among others, requesting additional information that allows PECUNPAY to reasonably identify you, including requiring you to take steps to confirm ownership of your phone number or payment instruments or verify your information against third-party databases or through other sources. PECUNPAY reserves the right to close, suspend, or limit access to your payment Account and/or Payment Services in the event it cannot obtain or verify such information or if you do not comply with its requests as set forth above. PECUNPAY may verify confidentially the information provided by the CARDHOLDER or obtain information about them or through third parties from secure databases. The CARDHOLDER confirms that they consent to PECUNPAY or a third party on their behalf to perform such verifications. The CARDHOLDER must ensure that the information in their account is always accurate and up-to-date. If at any time PECUNPAY believes their information is outdated or inaccurate, it may contact the CARDHOLDER and request further information or ask them to go through the verification process again. PECUNPAY shall not be liable for any loss arising from the CARDHOLDER's failure to maintain updated information.

Minors or persons with limited legal capacity
Minors, persons under guardianship, and, in general, those with limited legal capacity must declare this circumstance and present the documentation that enables them to obtain the card. PECUNPAY shall not be liable for the non-compliance with this obligation to the extent that it has observed the legally required precautions to verify the identity and circumstances of the HOLDER.

Use abroad:
For charges derived from the use of the card abroad, the exchange rate to euros on the currency of the country of origin of the transaction on the day when PECUNPAY has satisfied the amount of the operation shall apply. The exchange rate to euros on the currency will be increased with the commissions that PECUNPAY has established for operations carried out abroad. The HOLDER shall be subject to the current legislation governing the limits set by the competent monetary authorities for expenses abroad, as well as the exchange control regime and the declarations he/she is obliged to make. The HOLDER shall be liable for the breach of this regulation, without any liability being attributable to PECUNPAY. The expenses incurred, if any, shall be justified by the HOLDER before the authorities requesting them, without any liability being attributable to PECUNPAY for the HOLDER's breach.

Personal Identificaron Number (PIN)
When issuing the card, PECUNPAY will provide a Personal Identification Number (PIN), which the HOLDER can change and which will be required for any use of the card by the provider of the goods or services, to prove that he/she is the legitimate HOLDER. The HOLDER shall request said PIN through the corresponding website/App for each product, in the "customer area" section, except when the contracted product is a gift card, instant card, or virtual card, in which case it will be provided through the channels that PECUNPAY makes available to the client in each case. If the unique identifier provided by the payment services user is incorrect, the provider shall not be liable for the non-execution or defective execution of the payment transaction.

Holder's obligations:
The HOLDER undertakes to:
a) Comply with the conditions of use stipulated in this contract and, in general, use the payment instrument in accordance with the conditions governing its issuance and use. b) Accept as evidence of operations those related thereto, whether carried out by the HOLDER or by third parties, with or without his authorization. c) Immediately report to PECUNPAY any irregularity in the records of operations appearing to have been carried out with the card. d) Ensure the accuracy and keep his data updated. e) Comply, in a timely manner, with the requirements made by PECUNPAY. f) Sign the card immediately if there is a space provided for that purpose. g) Ensure the security of the use and disposal of the card, especially keeping the Personal Identification Number secret and, in general, any personalized security credential. h) Notify PECUNPAY immediately of the loss, theft, misappropriation, unauthorized use, or forgery of the card through the telephone numbers provided on the card itself. i) Destroy or return to PECUNPAY the expired or replaced card.

PECUNPAY's Oblitations
PECUNPAY undertakes to:
a) Cancel expired cards, as well as those reported as destroyed, stolen, or lost. b) Maintain the Personal Identification Number secret. c) Inform HOLDERS of the functioning, status of accounts and statements, transactions made through the card, and resolve any doubts that may arise. d) Refrain from sending payment instruments that have not been requested, except in cases where a payment instrument already delivered to the payment service user must be replaced. This replacement may be based on the incorporation of new functionalities into the payment instrument, not expressly requested by the HOLDER. This replacement shall be carried out free of charge for the HOLDER. e) Ensure that adequate and free means are always available for the payment service user to communicate in case of loss, theft, misappropriation, or unauthorized use of the payment instrument. f) Ensure that adequate and free means are always available for the payment service user to request the unblocking or replacement of the payment instrument, in case the reasons for blocking its use have ceased. g) Prevent any use of the payment instrument once the payment service user has notified it of the loss, theft, or unauthorized use of the payment instrument.

Limitation of Liability:
PECUNPAY shall be exempt from liability regarding operations that, even if against the will of the originator, have been carried out as a result of an order received by PECUNPAY for which the established security requirements have been met. The use of the PIN by a person other than the HOLDER presupposes gross negligence or, as the case may be, fraud on his part. PECUNPAY, without prejudice to taking the measures it deems appropriate, shall be exempt from liability in case of lack of attention to its card by any of the shops, banks, and savings banks committed to the sale of goods or provision of services, or due to technical or operational incidents at ATMs. PECUNPAY shall also remain unaffected by incidents and liabilities arising from the transaction carried out between the establishment and the HOLDER of the card. PECUNPAY excludes from its scope the Visa Zero Liability Policy, subjecting itself to current European regulations on the matter. The liability regime of the originator shall apply in case of unauthorized payment transactions, as regulated by the applicable legislation in the matter in each case. Specifically, the HOLDER who does not have the status of consumer or micro-enterprise as established in Royal Decree-law 19/2018, of November 23, on payment services and other urgent financial measures, shall be obliged to bear the losses arising from unauthorized payment transactions resulting from the use of the lost, stolen, or improperly appropriated payment instrument by a third party, until the loss, theft, or misappropriation of the payment instrument is reported to PECUNPAY. Finally, only balances in euros may be deposited in PECUNPAY accounts. In no case shall it be possible to deposit cryptocurrencies, and PECUNPAY shall be exempt from any liability related thereto.

PECUNPAY will refund, at any time, solely at the request of the HOLDER, the monetary value stored in their payment account. In any case, the HOLDER must submit a refund request to PECUNPAY along with the original card through the channels provided for this purpose. By default, electronic money will be refunded by issuing a new electronic money card, in accordance with the commission fee approved by PECUNPAY, in the name of the HOLDER, unless otherwise indicated by the HOLDER, in which case the HOLDER shall bear the expenses incurred as a result of the refund and any accrued commissions. In cases where the HOLDER requests the refund and it is not made by issuing a new card, the issuer will receive a refund commission reflected in the specific conditions of each product, as well as any expenses generated as a result of the processing and execution of the refund. The issuer may only charge such commissions when the contract specifies an end date and the HOLDER has terminated the contract prior to that date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the originator shall not be entitled to a refund when: a) the originator has consented to the execution of the payment transaction directly to the payment service provider, and b) the payment service provider or the beneficiary have provided or made available to the originator, as agreed, information regarding the future payment transaction at least four weeks in advance of the scheduled date. In addition, PECUNPAY's liability shall be excluded in case of unauthorized payment transactions if the payment instrument is used anonymously or the payment service provider is unable, for other intrinsic reasons of the payment instrument itself, to demonstrate that the payment transaction has been authorized, as established in article 34.2.a) of Law 19/2018. Likewise, PECUNPAY would not have to demonstrate, in these cases, that the payments made have been made by a genuine order, if the payment instrument is used anonymously or the payment service provider is unable, for other intrinsic reasons of the payment instrument itself, to demonstrate that the payment transaction has been authorized, as determined in article 34.2.b) of Law 19/2018.

Statement and Transacción of History Inquiry:
PECUNPAY is solely responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information regarding the account statements managed by it and never for the information that any other company or third party unrelated to PECUNPAY may provide to the HOLDER, by any means, in case of discrepancies in the requested information.

Aplicable las and jurisdiction:
This Contract shall be interpreted and enforced in its own terms and, in the absence thereof, shall be governed by Spanish legislation in the matter, with the obligations and responsibilities of the parties being adjusted accordingly. The parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid Capital for any matter relating to the interpretation, enforcement, or execution of this Contract, expressly waiving any jurisdiction to which they may be entitled, unless the HOLDER is a consumer, in which case the rules on determining jurisdiction set out in current legislation shall apply. And in evidence of agreement, the parties sign this Electronic Money Service Contract. PECUNPAY, as the predisposing party, has expressly and previously informed the HOLDER and, where applicable, the DISPONENTS, as adherents, of the existence of the general conditions listed in this document.

Information about efes when using your Criptan card:
This page contains the fees applicable to the most representative services associated with the payment account. Associated services with the payment account. The complete pre-contractual or contractual information about all services offered can be consulted in the general conditions.

Issuance of Debit Card
Card issuance: FREE

Card maintenance:
Monthly maintenance: FREE
Total annual fee: FREE

Card shipment:
Shipping cost: FREE

Balance inquiry:
National ATMs: FREE
International ATMs: FREE

Transacción inquiry:
National ATMs: FREE
nternational ATMs: FREE

Cash withdrawal via Card at ATMs:
National ATMs: The service fee charged by the ATM managing entity is fully passed on
International ATMs: 1.75% (Non-Euro Zone Europe) International ATMs: 2% (Non-Euro Zone)

Card replacement que to loss or damage:
Replacement due to loss or damage: €6

Card replacement que to theft:
Without filing a report: €6
With filing a report: FREE

Management of balance after expiry:
Balance management after expiry: €10.00

Purchase at Retail Stores:
National establishments: FREE
International establishments in Non-Euro Zone Europe: 1.75%
International establishments in Non-Euro Zone: 2%

About our Card and Account Payment Service Provider:

PECUNIA CARDS EDE, S.L.U., is an Electronic Money Entity supervised by the Bank of Spain and registered with number CSB 6707, whose trade name is 'PECUNPAY'. PECUNIA CARDS EDE, S.L.U. is the issuer and manager of the Criptan card and payment account. If you have any issues related to the card's operation, you can contact the payment service provider through the following email address:
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