Terms and Conditions - Criptan Earn

In this section, you will find the terms and conditions for Criptan Earn products.

Earn Flex


This document regulates the terms of contracting the services of "Earn Flex" through the CRIPTAN web and mobile application (hereinafter, jointly referred to as the "Platforms").

Please read these terms of contracting (hereinafter, the "Terms of Contracting") carefully before making any purchase or using any service. In this regard, you consent to be bound by these Terms of Contracting and should not contract any service on the Platforms if you do not agree with all the Terms of Contracting.

The language in which the contracting procedure will be processed and in which these Terms of Contracting are formalized will be, unless otherwise indicated, Spanish.

In compliance with the information duty set forth in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following data of the owner are provided:

- NIF: B98992738;
- Registered Address: C/ Almirante Cadarso 26 46005 - (Valencia);
- Email: atencion@criptan.com
- Register data: Registro Mercantil de Valencia, Tomo 10523, Libro 7804, Folio 110, Sección 8, Hoja V-182811.

These Terms of Contracting aim to regulate the legal relationship between Criptan and the User.

To access the services of Earn Flex, the User must be registered as a Criptan user and have accepted the Terms and Conditions of use.

Likewise, the User, through accessing the Platforms, may access the conditions of Earn Flex through the channels enabled for this purpose.

If in agreement with the terms set forth in these Conditions, the User will provide the cryptocurrencies chosen from the following: USDC, EUR (EURC), BTC, ETH. They will select how many they wish to contribute through the procedures enabled for this purpose on the Platforms.

In the event that they decide to invest Euros in Earn, the currency exchange from EUR to EURC will be carried out at the time of investment.

In exchange for the cryptocurrencies transferred by the User to Criptan and locked, the User may have access to certain rewards in the cryptocurrency of their choice for Earn Flex.

The User may contribute more cryptocurrencies to their account whenever they wish, with the cryptocurrencies contributed by the User being automatically added to their account balance.

Criptan, at the request of the User and under the terms established in these Conditions, will return the full amount that the User had contributed plus the interest previously agreed upon between the Parties.

Both the principal and the interest on it will be returned to the User through the crypto asset selected for the Earn.

The User will begin to benefit from the service once they accept these Terms and Conditions and deposit the cryptocurrencies into their Earn Flex account.

These Terms and Conditions will have an initial duration of one week, renewing tacitly as long as neither Party indicates, through the channels enabled for this purpose, their desire to terminate.

The rewards obtained by the User through Earn Flex will count as balance, adding to the contributions plus the previous rewards in each tacit renewal as long as there is no withdrawal order from the User.

The User agrees to fulfill the following obligations:
- Contribute the amount indicated in clause 1.2. of this Agreement.
- Provide the Lender with any relevant information.
- Accept and comply with all terms of this Agreement.
- Always act in good faith.

Criptan undertakes to fulfill the following obligations:

- Provide the necessary information requested with full adherence to reality;
- Provide the User with any relevant information regarding the acquisition of the goods or services.
- Proceed to pay the agreed amounts within the agreed timeframe.
- Always act in good faith.

The calculation system of the rewards corresponding to the User, as well as the withdrawal system, are explained in detail in the "Rewards and Fees" section of the "Earn" section of the Platforms. In this section, the minimums required by the user to generate rewards are also explained.

Criptan, under Article 1105 of the Civil Code, is exempt from any delay or breach of this Agreement to the extent that such delay or breach is caused by a fortuitous event or any other unforeseeable cause or, if foreseeable, is inevitable, being of external origin and beyond its reasonable control and diligence guided by good faith. Any delay or breach falling within these circumstances of external origin will suspend Criptan's obligations to comply with this Agreement until the cause of the delay or breach is removed. It should be noted that these are exceptional circumstances, the occurrence of which is improbable. Examples include the following:

- Strikes, lockouts or other labor disputes;
- Civil unrest, riot, invasion, threat or terrorist attack, war (declared or not), threat or preparation for war;
- Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, collapse, epidemic, pandemic or any other natural disaster;
- Inability to use public or private telecommunications systems, such as Ethereum network outages or failures.
- Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of any government or public authority.

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable regulations, Criptan informs Users that the personal data provided through the Platforms or by sending emails will be processed by Criptan as data controller in accordance with Criptan's Privacy Policy.

Additionally, Criptan informs the User that the acquisition or sale of bitcoins and other crypto assets may be recorded on a public blockchain. Public blockchains operate as immutable ledgers, intended to record transactions across networks of computer systems. Many of these public blockchains allow forensic analysis that can lead to de-anonymization and involuntary disclosure of private financial information, especially when blockchain data is combined with other data.

Since blockchains are decentralized or third-party networks that are not controlled or operated by Criptan, Criptan cannot delete, modify, or alter, if necessary, the personal data hosted on such networks.


The transaction is deemed to have taken place in Spanish territory, therefore these Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 6.2 of Regulation 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

In the event of a dispute, for customers operating outside the scope of their professional or business activity, both parties agree to submit, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the User's domicile.

In the event of a dispute, for customers operating within the scope of their professional or business activity, both parties agree to submit, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia.

Finally, we remind customers that if they wish to file a complaint for any incident in the contractual relationship, they can submit the relevant complaint by filling out the following electronic form.


For any aspects not covered in these Terms and Conditions of Contract, the provisions of the Genera
l Terms and contidions of use shall apply.

Earn Variable


El presente documento regula los términos y condiciones del sorteo del que serán participantes, única y automáticamente, los usuarios de la aplicación móvil o de la web de Criptan (en adelante, la “Plataforma” o la “Aplicación”) que hayan invertido en productos Earn Variable (en adelante, los “Usuarios” o el “Usuario”).

Los términos y condiciones del presente producto no afectan a la vigencia de los Términos y Condiciones de Earn ni a los Términos y Condiciones generales establecidos en www.criptan.com

Le rogamos que lea atentamente las condiciones de Earn Variable (en adelante, las “Condiciones”) antes de realizar cualquier registro, adquisición o utilizar cualquier servicio. En este sentido, usted consiente quedar vinculado por estas Condiciones, no debiendo contratar ningún servicio en la Plataforma si no está usted de acuerdo con las Condiciones de Contratación de lo que esté contratando. 

Ambas partes podrán ser denominadas en lo sucesivo individualmente como la “Parte” y, conjuntamente, como las “Partes”.

El idioma en que se tramitará el procedimiento de contratación y en el que seformalizan las presentes Condiciones de Contratación será, salvo indicación encontrario, el castellano.

Estos Términos y Condiciones Específicos del producto Earn Variable rigen las relaciones contractuales entre usted y Criptan Global, S.A., sociedad con domicilio social en Panamá, y perteneciente al Grupo Criptan (en adelante, “Criptan”).

Usted y Criptan se denominan en lo sucesivo, por separado la “Parte” y conjuntamente, como las “Partes”, con respecto a su uso del producto de EarnVariable.

En caso de querer contactar con Criptan se hará a través de correo electrónico a atencion@criptan.com.

Las presentes Condiciones tienen como objeto regular la relación jurídica del sorteo entre Criptan y los Usuarios, permitiendo a los Usuarios la posibilidad de ser premiado con criptoactivos, concretamente serán premiados con los criptoactivos con los que hayan invertido en Earn Variable, es decir, ether, bitcoin, usdc o eurc, conforme a los términos establecidos en las presentes Condiciones.

Los servicios ofrecidos a través del sorteo no se consideran una herramienta de inversión, basándose la mecánica de dichos servicios simplemente en la posibilidad de obtención por parte de los Usuarios de ciertas recompensas ofrecidas por Criptan a cambio de la descarga y registro en la Plataforma de Criptan y la inversión en productos Earn Variable. 

Para poder ser participante del sorteo, el Usuario tendrá que estar registrado como usuario de Criptan, aceptar los Términos y Condiciones de Uso y haber realizado una inversión en productos Earn Variable de mínimo 0.1 eth, 200 usdc, 0.005 btc o 200 eurc, siendo este el valor necesario a tener en el balance al momento de realizar la entrega de tickets para recibir un ticket de los criptoactivos mencionados.

Por ticket se entiende la papeleta de obtención necesaria para que el Usuario tenga la posibilidad de resultar premiado. Si al momento de la entrega de tickets (día 1 de cada mes) el Usuario presenta una inversión en Earn Variable de 0.1 eth tendrá un ticket de participación en el sorteo, sí el Usuario invierte 0.2 eth tendrá dos tickets. Pero sí el Usuario invierte 0.05 eth no tendrá ningún ticket, o si invierte 0.15 eth también tendrá un ticket.

El día uno (1) de cada mes se asignará al Usuario con uno o varios tickets un número, entre el 0 y el 9999, por cada uno de los tickets que tenga.

En caso de retirada de fondos durante el mes, los fondos serán sustraídos de la cuenta de Earn Variable del usuario antes de volver a realizar el próximo ciclo de entrega de tickets, por lo que no se recibirán tickets por estos fondos.

El último día de cada mes se consulta el hash del último bloque del día de bitcoin en horario UTC y lo convierten en número decimal. Una vez convertido el hash en número decimal se aplica el módulo 9.999, dando como resultado un número entre el 0 y el 9.999, siendo cada número de ticket el equivalente a sí mismo.

Asimismo, el Usuario a través del acceso a la Plataforma podrá acceder a las Condiciones del sorteo mediante los canales habilitados para ello.

En caso de estar conforme con las condiciones establecidas en el apartado anterior, el Usuario se convertirá automáticamente en participante del sorteo.

Una vez cumplimentado y terminado el proceso descrito anteriormente, el Usuario será participante del sorteo y tendrá la posibilidad de ser premiado.

El sorteo es periódico, lo que significa que se realizará mensualmente. El próximo día laborable a aquel en el que haya tenido lugar el concurso, conforme a lo establecido en la cláusula anterior, se comunicará el ganador.

Los Usuarios participantes participarán de forma mensual siempre y cuando sus fondos se mantengan depositados en productos Earn Variable el primer día de cada mes a las 00:00 horas. El Usuario participará en el sorteo con tantos tickets como le correspondan.

Las presentes Condiciones permanecerán vigentes tanto tiempo como dure la periodicidad del sorteo, por lo tanto, hasta que no se comunique el fin de la celebración del sorteo estarán en vigor.

Si el Usuario resulta premiado y tiene activa la reinversión de sus recompensas, el premio se sumará al balance invertido en Earn Variable. Si por el contrario el usuario tiene desactivada la reinversión de sus recompensas, el premio computará como balance en su cuenta de Criptan, sumándose a las aportaciones más las recompensas posteriores que puedan llevarse a cabo cómo Usuario de otros servicios de Criptan.

El Usuario que haga uso de otros servicios de Criptan estará bajo los términos y condiciones que apliquen concretamente a los servicios utilizados independientemente de las Condiciones del sorteo.

El Usuario se obliga a cumplir con las siguientes obligaciones:
- Haberse registrado como usuario en Criptan y haber aceptado los Términos y Condiciones Generales; 
- Invertir en Earn Variable;
- Facilitar a Criptan cualquier información relevante; 
- Aceptar y dar cumplimiento a todos los términos del sorteo; y 
- Actuar siempre de buena fe.

Criptan se obliga a cumplir con las siguientes obligaciones:
- Facilitar al Usuario cualquier información relevante relativa al sorteo;
- Proceder al pago del premio pactado y en el plazo indicado en las presentes Condiciones del sorteo; 
- Actuar siempre de buena fe y con transparencia.

Criptan se reserva el derecho a ceder a un tercero las obligaciones que tiene frente a los usuarios del producto Earn derivadas de la contratación del mismo, a su entera discreción y por su simple voluntad.

Al aceptar estos Términos y Condiciones, los usuarios de Earn aceptan que Criptan puede promover unilateralmente un cambio de parte siendo sustituido Criptan por una tercera parte que se haga responsable de las obligaciones vivas que tenga Criptan respecto al producto Earn con cada usuario. 

Criptan garantiza que la tercera o nueva parte que le sustituya en sus obligaciones del producto Earn, cumplirá al menos con los mismos niveles de solvencia que Criptan.

El sistema de cálculo de las recompensas que correspondan al Usuario, como así también el sistema de retiros y a los premios que se otorgarán si se resulta ganador del sorteo, se explican detalladamente en la sección “Recompensas y Comisiones" de la sección "Earn” de las Plataformas. A su vez, en mencionada sección se explican los mínimos con los que el usuario deberá contar para generar recompensas y para obtener tickets.

Criptan deberá depositar el premio al ganador del sorteo en su cuenta en un plazo de cinco días laborables. Este plazo empezará a contar a partir del día siguiente a la comunicación del ganador.

Todos los Usuarios que tengan el número ganador recibirán el premio.

Se añade para dejar constancia que, en caso de resultar ganador del sorteo, cualquier implicación fiscal relacionada con el premio será responsabilidad exclusiva del usuario premiado. Esto incluye cualquier carga tributaria aplicable según la legislación vigente.

- El Usuario declara que accede a los servicios del sorteo por cuenta propia y para su propio beneficio, no como representante o agente; 

- Al aceptar las presentes Condiciones, el Usuario declara expresamente que cumple los términos establecidos en las mismas, sin perjuicio del derecho de Criptan de suspender los servicios del sorteo para el Usuario en caso de comprobar posteriormente que el mismo incumplía o que ha dejado de cumplir alguna de las condiciones establecidas en el presente documento. 

Criptan, en virtud del art. 1105 del Código Civil, se exime de cualquier retraso o incumplimiento del presente sorteo en la medida en que dicho retraso o incumplimiento sea causado por un caso fortuito o cualquier otra causa imprevisible o, que de haberse podido prever, tenga carácter inevitable, por ser de origen externo e ir más allá de su control razonable y de su diligencia guiada por la buena fe.

Cualquier retraso o incumplimiento que se encuentre dentro de estos supuestos de origen externo suspenderá las obligaciones de Criptan de cumplir con el presente sorteo hasta que se elimine la causa del retraso o incumplimiento.

Se ha de destacar que se trata de circunstancias excepcionales, cuyo acaecimiento es improbable. A título ejemplificativo, cabe mencionar los siguientes:

- Huelgas, cierres patronales u otras medidas reivindicativas; 
- Conmoción civil, revuelta, invasión, amenaza o ataque terrorista, guerra (declarada o no), amenaza o preparativos de guerra; 
- Incendio, explosión, tormenta, inundación, terremoto, hundimiento, epidemia, pandemia o cualquier otro desastre natural; 
- Imposibilidad de utilizar sistemas públicos o privados de telecomunicaciones, por ejemplo caída o fallos de la red Ethereum. 
- Actos, decretos, legislación, normativa o restricciones de cualquier gobierno o autoridad pública.

De acuerdo con lo establecido en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal y demás normativa aplicable en la materia, Criptan informa a los Usuarios que los datos personales que facilite a través de la Plataforma o mediante envíos de correos electrónicos, serán tratados por Criptan como responsable del tratamiento con respecto a lo dispuesto en la Política de Privacidad de Criptan.

Asimismo, Criptan informa al Usuario que la adquisición o venta de bitcoins y otros criptoactivos pueden registrarse en una Blockchain o cadena de bloques pública. Las cadenas de bloques públicas operan como libros de contabilidad, destinados a registrar de manera inmutable las transacciones en redes de sistemas informáticos.

Muchas de estas cadenas de bloques públicas permiten el análisis forense que puede conducir a la desanonimización y a la revelación involuntaria de información financiera privada, especialmente cuando los datos de la cadena de bloques se combinan con otros datos.

Dado que las cadenas de bloques son redes descentralizadas o de terceros que no están controladas u operadas por Criptan, Criptan no podrá borrar, modificar o alterar, en su caso los datos personales albergados en dichas redes.

La transacción se entiende efectuada en territorio español, por lo que para cuantas cuestiones interpretativas o litigiosas pudieran plantearse, será de aplicación la legislación española. 

En caso de controversia, para clientes que operen fuera del marco de su actividad profesional o empresarial, ambas partes acuerdan someterse, con renuncia a cualquier otro fuero que pudiera corresponderle, a la jurisdicción de los Juzgados y Tribunales del domicilio del Usuario. 

En caso de controversia, para clientes que operen dentro del marco de su actividad profesional o empresarial, ambas partes acuerdan someterse, con renuncia a cualquier otro fuero que pudiera corresponderle, a la jurisdicción de los Juzgados y Tribunales de Valencia. 

Por último, recordamos a los clientes que, en el caso de que quieran presentar una reclamación por alguna incidencia en la relación contractual, pueden presentar la reclamación oportuna rellenando el siguiente formulario electrónico.


Para aquellos aspectos que no estuvieran contemplados en las presentes Condiciones Generales, se estará a lo dispuesto en los Términos y Condiciones.

Earn 90


This document regulates the terms of contracting for the "Earn 90" services through the CRIPTAN web and mobile application (hereinafter, collectively referred to as the "Platforms").

Please carefully read these terms of contracting (hereinafter, the "Terms of Contracting") before making any purchases or using any services. In this regard, you consent to be bound by these Terms of Contracting, and should not contract any service on the Platforms if you do not agree to all the Terms of Contracting.

The language in which the contracting procedure will be processed and in which these Terms of Contracting are formalized will be, unless otherwise indicated, Spanish.

In compliance with the duty of information set forth in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following data of the owner are provided:

- NIF: B98992738;
- Registered office: C/ Almirante Cadarso 26 46005 - (Valencia);
- Emal: atencion@criptan.com
- Registery data: Valencia Mercantile Registry, Volume 10523, Book 7804, Folio 110, Section 8, Sheet V-182811.

These Conditions of Contracting aim to regulate the legal relationship between Criptan and the User.


- Through access to the Platforms, the User can access the performance and duration conditions through the channels enabled for this purpose.
- If in agreement with the conditions established in the previous section, the User will provide the cryptocurrencies selected from the following: USDC, EUR (EURC), BTC, or ETH. They will provide the desired amount through the procedures enabled for this purpose on the Platforms.
- In case the User decides to invest Euros in Earn, the currency exchange from EUR to EURC will be carried out at the time of the investment.
- Regarding the maximum and minimum limits of the contributions, these will be adjusted to what is established in the "Rewards and Fees" section of the "Criptan Earn" section of the platform's website.
- The Financing Characteristics will be calculated considering Criptan's liquidity needs and the average interest rates for this type of business.
- Upon acceptance of the Financing Characteristics, the funds deposited by the User will be blocked until the expiration established in the communication.
- Criptan will be obliged to return to the User, within the agreed terms, the full amount that the User has contributed plus an interest previously agreed between the Parties and detailed in the Communication on the Financing Characteristics.
- Both the principal and the interest on it will be returned to the User in the chosen currency.
- All specific elements of the Contract defined by Criptan in the corresponding annexes must have been accepted by the Parties after accepting this Contract.

The contractual period will start counting on the first Friday at 00:00 UTC following the user's consent. The contract will expire after 84 natural days. On the expiration date, Criptan will proceed to return the principal.

At the time of contracting, the User will have the option to select an automatic renewal option for the loan. That is, they may choose that at the end of the loan term, a new one is automatically contracted under the same conditions and amounts.

The User undertakes to comply with the following obligations:

- Contribute the amount indicated in clause 1.2. of this Contract.
- Provide the Lender with any relevant information.
- Accept and comply with all the terms of this Contract.
- Always act in good faith.

Criptan undertakes to comply with the following obligations:

- Provide the necessary information requested with full accuracy;
- Provide the User with any relevant information regarding the acquisition of the good or service.
- Proceed with the payment of the agreed amounts within the agreed period in the Financing Characteristics.
- Always act in good faith.

Criptan must proceed with the payment of the agreed amount, which will consist of the sum contributed by the User plus the interest agreed upon through the account enabled for this purpose through the Criptan platform and within the agreed period.

The payment of the principal contributed by the User will take place after 84 natural days, from the first Friday following the user's deposit, as explained in CLAUSE FOUR.

On the other hand, the payment of interest will be prorated weekly. Therefore, every Friday from 17:30 CET onwards and within a maximum period of one hour, 1/12 of the total interest corresponding to the end of the loan will be delivered.

The Borrower may make early payment, although the agreed interest will not change.

Criptan, under art. 1105 of the Civil Code, is exempt from any delay or non-compliance of this Contract to the extent that such delay or non-compliance is caused by fortuitous events or any other unforeseeable cause, or that, if foreseeable, is inevitable, being of external origin and beyond its reasonable control and diligence guided by good faith. Any delay or non-compliance falling within these external causes will suspend Criptan's obligations to comply with this Contract until the cause of the delay or non-compliance is eliminated. It should be noted that these are exceptional circumstances, the occurrence of which is unlikely. By way of example, the following can be mentioned:

- Strikes, lockouts or other labor actions;
- Civil unrest, riot, invasion, threat or terrorist attack, war (declared or not) Threat or war preparations;
- Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic, pandemic, or any other natural disaster;
- Inability to use public or private telecommunications systems, for example, Ethereum network crashes or failures.
- Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations, or restrictions by any government or public authority.

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable regulations, Criptan informs Users that the personal data provided through the Platforms or by email will be processed by Criptan as the data controller in accordance with the provisions of Criptan's Privacy Policy.

Likewise, Criptan informs the User that the acquisition or sale of bitcoins and other crypto assets may be recorded on a public Blockchain. Public blockchains operate as ledgers, designed to immutably record transactions on networks of computer systems. Many of these public blockchains allow forensic analysis that can lead to de-anonymization and involuntary disclosure of private financial information, especially when blockchain data is combined with other data.

Since blockchains are decentralized or third-party networks that are not controlled or operated by Criptan, Criptan cannot delete, modify, or alter, if applicable, the personal data hosted on such networks.

The transaction is understood to be carried out in Spanish territory, so these Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law, without prejudice to the provisions of art. 6.2 of Regulation 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

In the event of a dispute, for clients operating outside the framework of their professional or business activity, both parties agree to submit, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the User's domicile.

In the event of a dispute, for clients operating within the framework of their professional or business activity, both parties agree to submit, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia.

Finally, we remind clients that if they wish to file a complaint about any incident in the contractual relationship, they can submit the relevant claim by completing the following electronic form.

For aspects not covered in these Conditions of Contracting, the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of Use shall apply.

Earn 180


This document regulates the terms of contracting for the "Earn 180" services through the CRIPTAN web and mobile application (hereinafter, collectively referred to as the "Platforms").

Please carefully read these terms of contracting (hereinafter, the "Terms of Contracting") before making any purchases or using any services. In this regard, you consent to be bound by these Terms of Contracting, and should not contract any service on the Platforms if you do not agree to all the Terms of Contracting.

The language in which the contracting procedure will be processed and in which these Terms of Contracting are formalized will be, unless otherwise indicated, Spanish.

In compliance with the duty of information set forth in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following data of the owner are provided:

- NIF: B98992738;
- Registered office: C/ Almirante Cadarso 26 46005 - (Valencia);
- Emal: atencion@criptan.com
- Registery data: Valencia Mercantile Registry, Volume 10523, Book 7804, Folio 110, Section 8, Sheet V-182811.

These Conditions of Contracting aim to regulate the legal relationship between Criptan and the User.


- Through access to the Platforms, the User can access the performance and duration conditions through the channels enabled for this purpose.
- If in agreement with the conditions established in the previous section, the User will provide the cryptocurrencies selected from the following: USDC, EUR (EURC), BTC, or ETH. They will provide the desired amount through the procedures enabled for this purpose on the Platforms.
- In case the User decides to invest Euros in Earn, the currency exchange from EUR to EURC will be carried out at the time of the investment.
- Regarding the maximum and minimum limits of the contributions, these will be adjusted to what is established in the "Rewards and Fees" section of the "Criptan Earn" section of the platform's website.
- The Financing Characteristics will be calculated considering Criptan's liquidity needs and the average interest rates for this type of business.
- Upon acceptance of the Financing Characteristics, the funds deposited by the User will be blocked until the expiration established in the communication.
- Criptan will be obliged to return to the User, within the agreed terms, the full amount that the User has contributed plus an interest previously agreed between the Parties and detailed in the Communication on the Financing Characteristics.
- Both the principal and the interest on it will be returned to the User in the chosen currency.
- All specific elements of the Contract defined by Criptan in the corresponding annexes must have been accepted by the Parties after accepting this Contract.

The contractual period will start counting on the first Friday at 00:00 UTC following the user's consent. The contract will expire after 182 natural days. On the expiration date, Criptan will proceed to return the principal.

At the time of contracting, the User will have the option to select an automatic renewal option for the loan. That is, they may choose that at the end of the loan term, a new one is automatically contracted under the same conditions and amounts.

The User undertakes to comply with the following obligations:

- Contribute the amount indicated in clause 1.2. of this Contract.
- Provide the Lender with any relevant information.
- Accept and comply with all the terms of this Contract.
- Always act in good faith.

Criptan undertakes to comply with the following obligations:

- Provide the necessary information requested with full accuracy;
- Provide the User with any relevant information regarding the acquisition of the good or service.
- Proceed with the payment of the agreed amounts within the agreed period in the Financing Characteristics.
- Always act in good faith.

Criptan must proceed with the payment of the agreed amount, which will consist of the sum contributed by the User plus the interest agreed upon through the account enabled for this purpose through the Criptan platform and within the agreed period.

The payment of the principal contributed by the User will take place after 182 natural days, from the first Friday following the user's deposit, as explained in CLAUSE FOUR.

On the other hand, the payment of interest will be prorated weekly. Therefore, every Friday from 17:30 CET onwards and within a maximum period of one hour, 1/12 of the total interest corresponding to the end of the loan will be delivered.

The Borrower may make early payment, although the agreed interest will not change.

Criptan, under art. 1105 of the Civil Code, is exempt from any delay or non-compliance of this Contract to the extent that such delay or non-compliance is caused by fortuitous events or any other unforeseeable cause, or that, if foreseeable, is inevitable, being of external origin and beyond its reasonable control and diligence guided by good faith. Any delay or non-compliance falling within these external causes will suspend Criptan's obligations to comply with this Contract until the cause of the delay or non-compliance is eliminated. It should be noted that these are exceptional circumstances, the occurrence of which is unlikely. By way of example, the following can be mentioned:

- Strikes, lockouts or other labor actions;
- Civil unrest, riot, invasion, threat or terrorist attack, war (declared or not) Threat or war preparations;
- Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic, pandemic, or any other natural disaster;
- Inability to use public or private telecommunications systems, for example, Ethereum network crashes or failures.
- Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations, or restrictions by any government or public authority.

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable regulations, Criptan informs Users that the personal data provided through the Platforms or by email will be processed by Criptan as the data controller in accordance with the provisions of Criptan's Privacy Policy.

Likewise, Criptan informs the User that the acquisition or sale of bitcoins and other crypto assets may be recorded on a public Blockchain. Public blockchains operate as ledgers, designed to immutably record transactions on networks of computer systems. Many of these public blockchains allow forensic analysis that can lead to de-anonymization and involuntary disclosure of private financial information, especially when blockchain data is combined with other data.

Since blockchains are decentralized or third-party networks that are not controlled or operated by Criptan, Criptan cannot delete, modify, or alter, if applicable, the personal data hosted on such networks.

The transaction is understood to be carried out in Spanish territory, so these Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law, without prejudice to the provisions of art. 6.2 of Regulation 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

In the event of a dispute, for clients operating outside the framework of their professional or business activity, both parties agree to submit, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the User's domicile.

In the event of a dispute, for clients operating within the framework of their professional or business activity, both parties agree to submit, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia.

Finally, we remind clients that if they wish to file a complaint about any incident in the contractual relationship, they can submit the relevant claim by completing the following electronic form.

For aspects not covered in these Conditions of Contracting, the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of Use shall apply.

Earn 360


This document regulates the terms of contracting for the "Earn 360" services through the CRIPTAN web and mobile application (hereinafter, collectively referred to as the "Platforms").

Please carefully read these terms of contracting (hereinafter, the "Terms of Contracting") before making any purchases or using any services. In this regard, you consent to be bound by these Terms of Contracting, and should not contract any service on the Platforms if you do not agree to all the Terms of Contracting.

The language in which the contracting procedure will be processed and in which these Terms of Contracting are formalized will be, unless otherwise indicated, Spanish.

In compliance with the duty of information set forth in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following data of the owner are provided:

- NIF: B98992738;
- Registered office: C/ Almirante Cadarso 26 46005 - (Valencia);
- Emal: atencion@criptan.com
- Registery data: Valencia Mercantile Registry, Volume 10523, Book 7804, Folio 110, Section 8, Sheet V-182811.

These Conditions of Contracting aim to regulate the legal relationship between Criptan and the User.


- Through access to the Platforms, the User can access the performance and duration conditions through the channels enabled for this purpose.
- If in agreement with the conditions established in the previous section, the User will provide the cryptocurrencies selected from the following: USDC, EUR (EURC), BTC, or ETH. They will provide the desired amount through the procedures enabled for this purpose on the Platforms.
- In case the User decides to invest Euros in Earn, the currency exchange from EUR to EURC will be carried out at the time of the investment.
- Regarding the maximum and minimum limits of the contributions, these will be adjusted to what is established in the "Rewards and Fees" section of the "Criptan Earn" section of the platform's website.
- The Financing Characteristics will be calculated considering Criptan's liquidity needs and the average interest rates for this type of business.
- Upon acceptance of the Financing Characteristics, the funds deposited by the User will be blocked until the expiration established in the communication.
- Criptan will be obliged to return to the User, within the agreed terms, the full amount that the User has contributed plus an interest previously agreed between the Parties and detailed in the Communication on the Financing Characteristics.
- Both the principal and the interest on it will be returned to the User in the chosen currency.
- All specific elements of the Contract defined by Criptan in the corresponding annexes must have been accepted by the Parties after accepting this Contract.

The contractual period will start counting on the first Friday at 00:00 UTC following the user's consent. The contract will expire after 364 natural days. On the expiration date, Criptan will proceed to return the principal.

At the time of contracting, the User will have the option to select an automatic renewal option for the loan. That is, they may choose that at the end of the loan term, a new one is automatically contracted under the same conditions and amounts.

The User undertakes to comply with the following obligations:

- Contribute the amount indicated in clause 1.2. of this Contract.
- Provide the Lender with any relevant information.
- Accept and comply with all the terms of this Contract.
- Always act in good faith.

Criptan undertakes to comply with the following obligations:

- Provide the necessary information requested with full accuracy;
- Provide the User with any relevant information regarding the acquisition of the good or service.
- Proceed with the payment of the agreed amounts within the agreed period in the Financing Characteristics.
- Always act in good faith.

Criptan must proceed with the payment of the agreed amount, which will consist of the sum contributed by the User plus the interest agreed upon through the account enabled for this purpose through the Criptan platform and within the agreed period.

The payment of the principal contributed by the User will take place after 364 natural days, from the first Friday following the user's deposit, as explained in CLAUSE FOUR.

On the other hand, the payment of interest will be prorated weekly. Therefore, every Friday from 17:30 CET onwards and within a maximum period of one hour, 1/12 of the total interest corresponding to the end of the loan will be delivered.

The Borrower may make early payment, although the agreed interest will not change.

Criptan, under art. 1105 of the Civil Code, is exempt from any delay or non-compliance of this Contract to the extent that such delay or non-compliance is caused by fortuitous events or any other unforeseeable cause, or that, if foreseeable, is inevitable, being of external origin and beyond its reasonable control and diligence guided by good faith. Any delay or non-compliance falling within these external causes will suspend Criptan's obligations to comply with this Contract until the cause of the delay or non-compliance is eliminated. It should be noted that these are exceptional circumstances, the occurrence of which is unlikely. By way of example, the following can be mentioned:

- Strikes, lockouts or other labor actions;
- Civil unrest, riot, invasion, threat or terrorist attack, war (declared or not) Threat or war preparations;
- Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic, pandemic, or any other natural disaster;
- Inability to use public or private telecommunications systems, for example, Ethereum network crashes or failures.
- Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations, or restrictions by any government or public authority.

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable regulations, Criptan informs Users that the personal data provided through the Platforms or by email will be processed by Criptan as the data controller in accordance with the provisions of Criptan's Privacy Policy.

Likewise, Criptan informs the User that the acquisition or sale of bitcoins and other crypto assets may be recorded on a public Blockchain. Public blockchains operate as ledgers, designed to immutably record transactions on networks of computer systems. Many of these public blockchains allow forensic analysis that can lead to de-anonymization and involuntary disclosure of private financial information, especially when blockchain data is combined with other data.

Since blockchains are decentralized or third-party networks that are not controlled or operated by Criptan, Criptan cannot delete, modify, or alter, if applicable, the personal data hosted on such networks.

The transaction is understood to be carried out in Spanish territory, so these Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law, without prejudice to the provisions of art. 6.2 of Regulation 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

In the event of a dispute, for clients operating outside the framework of their professional or business activity, both parties agree to submit, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the User's domicile.

In the event of a dispute, for clients operating within the framework of their professional or business activity, both parties agree to submit, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia.

Finally, we remind clients that if they wish to file a complaint about any incident in the contractual relationship, they can submit the relevant claim by completing the following electronic form.

For aspects not covered in these Conditions of Contracting, the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of Use shall apply.

Rewards and Fees

The following section is dedicated to relevant information regarding both Criptan Earn and Criptan Savings products. You will find yield rates, withdrawal periods, operational examples, maximum and minimum investment amounts, among other details.

Criptan Savings (rewards for balance in Accounts)
- Calculation of rewards:

The following table shows the minimum balances required to start earning rewards, as well as the Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) and daily Return on Investment (ROI) for all currencies:


$150per seat per year
Daily Gross ROI

$450per seat per year
Net Daily ROI

Minimum Balance

7.5 EUR
0.0005 BTC
0.002 ETH
Regarding the calculation of rewards, a daily comparison will be made between the balance at 23:30 UTC of each Account and the balance of the same Account at 23:30 UTC of the previous day, taking as the basis for the calculation the balance of the day that is lower. Let's see an example:

- Euro balance, day 1 at 23:30 UTC: 2500 EUR
- Euro balance, day 2 at 23:30 UTC: 1400 EUR

In this case, since the balance of day 2 is lower than that of day 1 (1400 EUR vs. 2500 EUR), rewards will be calculated based on it.

Activation and deactivation of the functionality:
Both the activation and deactivation of the functionality will take place on the date and at the time shown in the App, on the "Rewards" screen, after having activated or deactivated the switch found on said screen, as applicable.

Earn Flex
- Reward calculation:

The following table shows the minimums to start earning rewards, the APYs, and the weekly ROIs for all currencies in Earn Flex:


$150per seat per year
Daily Gross ROI

$450per seat per year
Minimum balance

0.00015 BTC
0.00003 ETH
Regarding the calculation of rewards, a weekly comparison will be made between the user's balance in their Earn Flex accounts on the previous Friday at 11:00 UTC and the balance on the Friday when rewards are distributed at 11:00 UTC, taking the lower balance of the two Fridays as the basis for calculation. Let's look at an example:

- Earn Flex EURC balance, Friday 12/05 at 11:00 UTC: 2500 EURC
- Earn Flex EURC balance, Friday 19/05 at 11:00 UTC: 1400 EURC

In this case, since the balance on Friday 19/05 is lower than on Friday 12/05 (1400 EURC vs. 2500 EURC), the rewards will be calculated based on this.

- Withdrawal Fees
The withdrawal fee decreases based on the days of notice provided for the withdrawal. In other words, if a withdrawal is requested for the coming Friday, the fee will be higher than if it is requested for 3 Fridays from now.

The User can be aware of the applicable penalty before the withdrawal of the corresponding amount.

Below is the table showing the fees according to the notice period (from 2 to 23 or more days):
EURC commission

$150per seat per year
USDC commission

$450per seat per year
BTC commission

$950per seat per year
ETH commission

>= 23
- Withdrawal conditions:
Withdrawals are processed on Fridays of each week at 10:00 UTC.

Withdrawal orders must be created with a minimum notice of 2 natural days, regardless of the time it is created. This means that if the user wanted to make a withdrawal to be executed on Friday of a given week, they could create a withdrawal order no later than Wednesday of that week, as it is the last day to comply with the minimum notice of 2 days.

- Withdrawal limits:
The user may generate a withdrawal order for a maximum amount specified for each currency on the list, for each day of notice. For this calculation, the hourly difference within the day will not be considered.

1. EURC: 25,000 EURC per day.
2. USDC: 25,000 USDC per day.
3. BTC: 1 BTC per day.
4. ETH: 15 ETH per day.

Earn Variable

Earn Flex Variable
- Calculation of rewards:

The following table shows the minimums to start generating rewards, the APRs, and the weekly ROIs for all currencies in Earn Flex Variable:

$150per seat per year
Daily Gross ROI

$450per seat per year
Minimum balance

0.00015 BTC
0.00003 ETH
Rewards are calculated on a weekly basis by comparing the user's balance in their Earn Flex Variable accounts on the previous Friday at 11:00 UTC with the balance at 11:00 UTC on the Friday when rewards are distributed. The calculation is based on the lower balance of the two Fridays. Here's an example:

- Earn Flex Variable EURC Balance, Friday 05/12 at 11:00 UTC: 2500 EURC
- Earn Flex Variable EURC Balance, Friday 05/19 at 11:00 UTC: 1400 EURC

In this case, since the balance on Friday 05/19 is lower than on Friday 05/12 (1400 EURC vs. 2500 EURC), rewards will be calculated based on this balance.

Withdrawal fees:
Withdrawal fees decrease based on the notice days provided. For example, if a withdrawal is requested for the upcoming first day of the month, the fee will be higher than if it is requested for the first day of the following month. The fee values are the same as those for Earn Flex (the fee table is provided above, under its title).

- Withdrawal conditions:
Withdrawals are processed on the 1st of each month at 10:00 UTC.

Withdrawal orders must be created with a minimum notice of 2 natural days, regardless of the time it is created. This means that if a user wishes to make a withdrawal to be executed on the next first day of the month of June, they could create a withdrawal order no later than Thursday, May 30th, as it is the last day to comply with the minimum notice of 2 days.

- Withdrawal limits:
The user may generate a withdrawal order for a maximum amount specified for each currency on the list, for each day of notice. For this calculation, the hourly difference within the day will not be considered.

1. EURC: 25,000 EURC per day
2. USDC: 25,000 USDC per day
3. BTC: 1 BTC per day
4. ETH: 15 ETH per day

- Ticket distribution:
Tickets will be delivered once per month, on the 1st day of each month. The number of tickets to receive will depend on the balance the user has in their Earn Flex Variable accounts, after scheduled withdrawals for that day.

Only whole quantities of tickets will be received; it is not possible to receive portions of tickets. The calculation to determine how many tickets will be received is based on: "Earn Flex Variable account balance / Amount required to receive one ticket," rounded to the nearest whole number.All tickets will have an assigned number, ranging from 0 to 9999.

The amount required to receive one ticket for each asset is as follows:

1. EURC: 25,000 EURC per day
2. USDC: 25,000 USDC per day
3. BTC: 1 BTC per day
4. ETH: 15 ETH per day

- Prize distribution:
The draw will take place once per month, on the last day of each month. To determine the winning ticket number, the hash of the last Bitcoin block of the month will be used, in UTC time, and it will be processed to arrive at a number between 0 and 9999. The steps are as follows:

1. Hash of the last Bitcoin block of the month in UTC time. Example hash of the last block of February according to
mempool.space: 00000000000000000001ea041b022d2ea79b528dd098cb87556f48ef78d654b0.

2. Apply modulo 9999 to the hash from the previous step. In this case, the result of the calculation is 5124. For those who wish to verify the winning number, they can use the following link: https://github.com/criptan/modulo-calculator.

Regarding the prizes, it depends on which asset the winning ticket is associated with. The prizes per asset are as follows:

1. EURC: 2500 EURC
2. USDC: 8000 USDC
3. BTC: 0.03 BTC
4. ETH: 1.5 ETH

Earn 90, 180 y 360
Below are the minimums and maximums to start an operation in Earn 90, 180, and 360.Minimums:

1. EURC: 10 EURC
2. USDC: 10 USDC
3. BTC: 0.0004 BTC
4. ETH: 0.007 ETH

1. EURC: no maximum
2. USDC: no maximum
3. BTC: no maximum
4. ETH: no maximum
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